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Can't get to the Poppies? GET TO THE CHOPPAH Instead!

Writer's picture: Public Lands Hate YouPublic Lands Hate You

***Originally posted 3/26/19 on @publiclandshateyou***

Just when you think it can't get any more insane... IT DOES! Can't get to the poppies? #gettothechoppa instead! Who the hell are these people? I have a vision in my head of them scampering back into their little helicopter bubble and laughing their asses off all the way back to LA. And if anyone happens to have a picture with the helicopter tail number, or can identify it let me know. I'm sure the FAA would be interested in chatting with the pilot. #badpilot #gettothechopper#moremoneythanbrains #badhelicopter#helicopter #illegal #selfish#antelopevalleypoppyreserve#antelopevalley #badpilots #badhumans#nopoppieswereharmed #superbloom#superbloom2019 #poppy #poppies#wildflowers #walkercanyon#walkercanyonpoppyfields #lakeelsinore


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